1. MRSA is a staph infection that is not treatable with normal antibiotics
2. there are two known antibiotics that are shown to be effective against MRSA, and Charlie is on them right now
3. MRSA is extremely contagious; therefore, Charlie will be quarantined for the rest of his stay in the hospital.
4. MRSA is a very common bacterium that lots of healthy people carry; it’s only a problem if it spreads internally; it is now in Charlie’s bloodstream.
5. Annaleigh and Lily are being tested for MRSA, just in case any of us touched Charlie and then accidently carried it to either of them (we wash between babies, but you never know what can happen).
So at this point (11:03 pm) all we really know is that everyone is optimistic that this was caught in time to be able to combat. Charlie was started on the antibiotics as a precaution two days ago when his central PIC line came out. Remember, it caused some swelling and redness in his arm, and yesterday he had a pimple (which is a sign of MRSA). The guess is that the PIC line is what enabled the bacteria to get into his body in the first place. It’s unfortunate and inconvenient and unfair and frustrating, but he should be able to pull through this without any permanent damage.
In other not so great news, Lily’s heart murmur has grown to the point that Dr. Hiatt decided to start her on a second round of medicine for it (the first was ineffective). The medicine is given over three days, and during that time she won’t be able to eat. She gets all the nutrition and calories she needs via the feeding tube, but it is disheartening that her ductus valve hasn’t closed on its own. Like Charlie’s infection, this should be treatable without any lasting harm.
The only bright spot was that Annaleigh briefly opened both her eyes today. It was just a short moment, but it was beautiful to see them both (finally).
I’m sorry this is so short and lacking details, but we’re both wiped. I’ll post more info tomorrow, I promise!
Annaleigh has looked very comfy and content lately
You can see how giant Charlie's pimple was today. Imagine the biggest, most annoying pimple you've ever had and then put it onto a two-pound baby's arm. When I took this picture, though, he was high as a kite on pain-killers-- Charlie was very peaceful in his own little wonderland!
Lily Bug just loves to cuddle with her blankets. For the record, Brooke saw this picture and already called dibs on sleeping with this blanket when it comes home for washing.
What to say...hang in there you five. Glad you got to see Annaleigh's beautiful eyes today. Your are all in my thoughts and prayers. Joe and Brooke... you two are amazing. Keep on staying strong.
Oh i wish I could give you all a big hug right now. It sounds like Charlies issue is under control, however I'm praying for you all and all of the hurldles. i messaged you the other day about our baby also having a PDA. (heart murmer) We were in a very different situation though in that our baby was otherwise healthy and born at 35 weeks (pretty much full term). Well they originally misdiagnosed saying he had a small PDA, but it turned out it was actaully VERY large, well they just did surgery @ 8 months old, after not treating it the way they should have, and he's doing well. I've also been told the meds only work when they are very young preemies like yours, so their is still good chance that wil take care of it. And i've known of many cases where it took several rounds to close. Either way, even if it resorts to surgery the outlook is practically 100% success rate...:)And this proceedure is many times don on babies under a week old.
I wish you the best. I am sad that they had some setbacks, but those are normal in the NICU. It's amazing how strong they are. My boys were amazing to watch fight in the NICU, so tiny, so helpless, and in the same way, so strong to be as big as my hand. I hope the infection clears and the babies progress forward. Stay strong, the NICU is a stange place, you hate the worry you feel having your babies their, but are so grateful at the same time that a place like that exists to save your babies. I cried every day until our boys came home, and they were only there 19 days, born at 32 wks. I know your triplets will be there much longer, but I think you both are doing great visiting as often. We visited two times a day and stayed for hours, I truley believe they knew we were there and helped them come home much faster than first predicted, 19 days vs. 6-8 wks.
Brooke & Joe, Please keep the faith! Mrsa is in the hospitals. My Dad got it from the hospital last year. Just make sure you take your gowns and gloves down the proper way. Yes, and healthy people can carry it. Don't give up! Those babies will be home soon. I will be praying for all of you... Denise (Travis's mom)
Oh, what a frustrating and discouraging day you guys must have had. ::hugs::
I'm praying for all of you. I hope you guys are past all of these difficulties and frustrations very soon and at home with all 3 of your babies.
Praying for you all. The babies look beautiful!
This is my first comment but I've been following along since the babies were born.
Poor little Charlie...that pimple looks so painful. But as you say, he's pretty doped up so hopefully he is blissfully unaware.
Getting to see your Annaleigh's little eyes open at the same time...what excitement!
And Lily...her love affair with her blankets remind me of my granddaughter Grace. Grace calls them her woobies and she loves the silky parts. She refuses any blanket that does not have satin trim. She strokes her cheek with the satin part as she's drifting off to sleep. So precious.
Keep hanging in there. You're doing a beautiful job under less than ideal circumstances.
Bless little Charlies heart... Praying for the little ones and for mom and day.
God bless their nose and toes.
Since I work for docs I know a little about MRSA (we did a patient ed piece for our magazine). It's great that they caught it early and started the other babies on antibiotics as a precaution.
I'm sorry to hear the babies have suffered so many setbacks but it sounds like everything is under control. I think about you guys daily. ((HUGS))
praying for you and the babies!
I am on Multiple Mamas (private board) and check in on your blog daily to see how your little ones are doing. They are so adorable and obviously so strong. And kudos to you guys for keeping your blog updated...it is appreciated so, so, so much by your friends, family, and online fans. You will also appreciate it years from now when you can go back and have an online diary of how far your precious babies have come. Stay strong and know that your babies are in great care and surrounded by loving nurses and fabulous parents (YOU!). Hugs!
I look forward to checking your blog every morning. I don't know you guys from adam, but you have become a daily part of my thoughts and prayers. Your babies are absolutely precious, and I enjoy cheering them on every day. Take care of yourselves!!
Poor little Charlie! His arm looks painful, but you've got to love ativan (if that is what he's on). It does make things feel a whole lot better.
I am so glad they found this early. One of the best things about being in a really good NICU is how aggressively they treat whatever may happen. With the precautions they are taking, it sounds as if they are doing exactly what they should be doing which is wonderful!
Setbacks will happen--it's the nature of the preemie beast. But, may this setback bring a hundred fold positive things to you and your precious babies.
Much love to you and your family.
I have never commented til now....but felt I should make sure you know Charlie will fight the MRSA. One of my trips contracted MRSA also while in the NICU....while it was a major setback and very scary for us for a few weeks...(BAD BAD MRSA) , she is now a bouncy 10 month old...
Im positive and praying Charlie will make the same progress. :)
They are georgous guys!!
Oh, man! Poor Charlie and Lily! Continued prayers and love radiating down Easton Ave for you all.
And I LOVE the pics - they look so cozy in their little beds. :)
Brooke and Joe, I have been following your blog daily since the birth of your precious angels. My son and daughter-in-law follow you and sent me your link. My daughter-in-law is in the hospital at 26+5 with triplets. The strength, courage and faith you possess have given me a profound insight into becoming a grandmother to three precious babies. I feel that I know you and your family. You have now become an important part of my prayers and that of my family. Brooke, your blog on a mother's love brought a river of tears but they were loving and happy tears. Please continue to be strong for the predious ones and each other. You mean so much to so many.
Hang in there my little butte
rcups. You show everyone that tiny is mighty and you can and will overcome all obstacles...
Keep fighting my little loves...
Joe and Brooke - continue to be strong because Charlie, Annaleigh and Lily are gaining strength from you every day.
All My Love, Auntie :) xoxoxoxox
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