Charlie is doing well with his feedings and steroids and he may be off the respirator in another week. Annaleigh ate for the first time in nearly two weeks and is tolerating it perfectly so far. Granted, she’s only eating 2 ml of breast milk, but at least it’s a good sign. Lily has been on BiPAP for 24 hours now and all signs point towards success. She hasn’t had many episodes and doesn’t seem uncomfortable. Needless to say, we’re happy about all of this.
Other than that, there’s nothing to report. If we can keep every day’s post to this short length for a while, it’ll mean that everyone is growing according to schedule and there aren’t any problems. It’s not exciting, but we definitely want dull and boring in our daily reports!
Charlie looking up at his nurse Sue as she moves him back into his isolette after weighing him.
It is extremely difficult to move any of the babies, but Charlie is particularly challenging. The nurse has to be very careful about keeping his respirator tube still while transporting him from his isolette to the scale. If the respirator moves, even just a little bit, it can hit his vagel nerve in his throat, which causes his heart rate to drop and his breathing to slow. Luckily, the girls aren't as sensitive as Charlie.
Charlie is exhausted after his bath.
Lily is very happy to be held by her mommy. All of her breathing numbers improved dramatically when Brooke had her snug in her arms. She wasn't quite as content when I held her.
Lily Bug loves to play with her hands. The whole time we were holding her, she kept her hands on her face, examining her mouth and her nose and her BiPAP tube. She was so silly that Brooke laughed hysterically (she actually laughed so hard that she cried, which is usually something reserved for animal humor).
The thing about the CPAP is that it looks so much worse than it is. Annaleigh is sleeping soundly. Notice the chin strap; they have to put it on her because she leaves her mouth open so much that she loses all her oxygen! The chin strap helps remind her to close it every now and again. I have a feeling that she and her sister and going to keep their mouths open all the time (just like their mommy) and talk, talk, talk once they get out of the NICU.
Ha! You're going to be in trouble for that last comment! : ) Glad to hear that everyone is doing well. You are in my prayers!
Glad to see such a great report! They look bigger and stronger every day!
The nurses had to make Brandon a chin strap too when he was on CPAP because he left his mouth open. I am glad that all 3 babies had a great day.
Another great day for the D's. Hey, Joe.... who do the girls take after???? ;-) Love ya and glad all is well. Good for you, Brooke, the baby hog. Keep up the fantastic work, Little D's. xoxoxo
Great report! It's amazing how much bigger and stronger they look since they were first born. Keep growing little babies!!
Of course you're gonna hog those babies Brooke - you're their Mommy...
Talking females - why I find that hard to believe... And the men in this family so mellow another thing I find soooo hard to believe.
Everybody fits in just perfectly.
Keep up the good work everyone.
You're doing great.
All My Love, Auntie :) xoxoxoxo
I just want to say that I've been following the blog after seeing it on The Bump as another Multiple Mom.. I look forward to your posts and to see how great the babies are doing. Especially kudos to both of you for staying so strong during this time. God Bless!
I'm so glad to hear such a good report. Boring is definitely the way to go!
Just wanted to let your loyal readers know that the women on the cooking board Brooke frequents have gotten together to raise money for the babies. If anyone is interested in donating please go here -
Any help is greatly appreciated! :)
I am so happy that this is a great report!!! When the boys were in NICU, we brought in disposable cameras for them so that the nurse could take their pics while we weren't there. I thought I would suggest it to you guys, because we got some really good pics of the boys this way.
edasmommy0709 from the private multiples board
Twin boys born at 27w6d.
So glad that they had a good day yesterday. It is amazing how much they have grown just seeing them in your picutres. I hope Charlie gets off his respirator very soon like his sisters.
Glad to hear that they all had a great day.
I love seeing photos of Miss Lily - her hand expressions just make me smile.
Lookin' good babies!!! I hope u don't mind, but I have put a link to your blog on my blog. We are trying to raise money for our local NICU and wanted to show everyone you precious babies. Grow babies grow!!!
Yay for dull and boring!
More updates like this please. Thanks!
I have just fallen so in love with your beautiful babies!!!
Hooray for good news! The babies look great, and so do you guys. Glad you are feeling better, Brooke. A good day all around!
Hog Brooke Hog! You deserve it! ;-)
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