Friday, October 2, 2009

Waiting on The Bug

Apparently, Lily just loves the NICU. She loves her nurses and she loves the doctors and she loves that she is currently the oldest baby there (actually, the 2nd oldest baby there is only half Lily's age, so it's not even close). She's not doing anything terrible, but she just can't seem to go 24 consecutive hours without having a brady episode. She had two today: one early this morning and one after her noon feeding. Both were very quick and she didn't need any help getting her heart rate back up, but they won't release her until she can go a day without one. Dr. Hiatt optimistically assured me that she'll be ready to go within a few days-- we really, really hope he's right. We love having Charlie home but it would be so much better if his sister were here too!

Speaking of Charlie, he's getting somewhat used to things here. He had a better night last night and was able to get a little more sleep-- though certainly not as much as we are hoping he gets tonight. He had his first pediatrician visit today and that went well. The doctor basically said all the things we've been hearing from the NICU staff so there's nothing new to report there. The highlight of the day was definitely Charlie's first bath. Oh, how much fun we had! Charlie was kind enough to pee all over me while I was carrying him the few feet from his changing table (where I stupidly removed his diaper) to the bathtub. Then he was all smiles for the first minute with his tiny butt in the water. He really seemed to enjoy the warm water being gently washed over his growing belly. But then, for some random reason, he decided that enough was enough and he proceeded to cry and cry until his bath was over. But it sure was fun while it lasted!

I'm just now getting the hang of the camcorder that my brother bought for my birthday (10 months ago). I guess I've got good reason to start using it now! So today I uploaded this video of Charlie coming home. I know it's a few days late but it's still nice to see.

Roy Kitten was kind enough to help us give Charlie his first bath.

Have no fear: the Cuddles and Naps Division has been aptly performing its duties.

Charlie is most fascinated by his aqua swing.

What's that you say? You want another picture of Lily sleeping? Well here you go!


mrsgingergrl said...

That's so awesome Charlie is home, congratulations!! Lily will be there before you know it. :) We had that same monitor on Katie, I had almost forgotten about the time, oh my god how i LOATHED IT. It would go off and scare the crap out of all of us.

I remember when we first brought the girls home from the NICU, i learned quickly they didn't like it to be too dark and quiet. They were so used to the hospital's constant lights/sounds. Every night i would leave the TV on QVC at low volume all night and it was just enough to help them sleep. :)

Diana Lopez said...

Praying for Lily to go home soon, hope to see more videos soon...God bless you guys.

Anonymous said...

What a fun video! Congrats on having him home. I hope his sister joins him soon!

Anonymous said...

i'm crying with happiness while watching this video... i am so so overjoyed.... =) nikki

akoto said...

I love the banner for Charlie. I pray that Lily's is up there soon!

Anonymous said...

Charlie is finally home - YES - and his excitement was just overwhelming... :) He'll get used to it... Of course Roy was right there... Where was Roger and Tucker???

C'mon Lily - everyone is waiting for you... Great pictures again.

All My Love, Auntie :) xoxxo

Michele from FTHS said...

What a nice video.'re the man. C'mon Lily. You don't want to miss out on all the fun.

Hopeful34 said...

That is soooo great that Charlie is home! I'm sure bug will be home soon! Love the video..your kitty is adorable. Congrats!!!! You must be sooooo excited!!

Tracey's Life said...

Yay for Charlie being home! Before you know it you will be letting us all know that Lily is home too!

Congratulations and thanks for sharing with all of us!

Rebecca, from CT said...

Cute video!!! Love how Roy Kitten was so curious about Charlie!!! C'mon Miss Lily Bug...Charlie, Mommy, Daddy and all your family want you home!! You can do it!!

Mrs.McJeep said...

I'm so glad Charlie is home! a suggestion, cover him with a warm wash cloth during bath time, he might not cry then.

Stephanie said...

The pictures are so precious! I love every single one of them!