Monday, September 28, 2009

We're Trained!

Good news: we now know how to use our monitors!

Brooke and I (and my parents and Brooke's mom) got trained on how to use the apnea monitors that both Lily and Charlie will be on when they come home. We also learned how to use the oxygen tanks (just for emergencies) and how to perform infant CPR. Surprisingly, it wasn't all too hard. We were warned that it would be overwhelming but (maybe I'm being naive) it all seems doable. So we have all the monitors and are now only missing the babies to which the monitors need to be attached. Soon enough...

Both babies are doing well. Lily got hooked up for her PCG test around noon (the test runs for 12 hours so we won't know results until the morning). We already know that she had three brady episodes after a feeding but her nurse attributed them to reflux. If there's nothing else and the test doesn't show any major issues, she will have her car seat test some time in the middle of the night. Once we get the results from all of these tests, we'll be able get a better sense of exactly when she be discharged. Let's keep our fingers crossed that she aces her exams!

As for Charlie, he's pretty much holding steady. He hasn't had any major issues today and really just needs to show that he's not going to back-swing and he'll be ready to come home soon. Honestly, it seems to us like he's ready to roll but the doctors are just being extra cautious with him since they want to send him home at the same time as his sister.

So we need now to be patient and trust that Lil' will do well with her tests and be ready to pack her NICU bags soon. Go babies!


Amy, Washington, DC said...

I'm praying for healthy babies to bring home soon!!!! Your family is so inspirational.

Anonymous said...

I am just so happy for you guys that your little ones will actually be home any day now. It is so exciting. Yay!!!!!


Gretchen said...

Congrats to Brooke and Joe and the Grandparents on getting trained on the monitors and learning how to use oxygen and how to perform infant CPR! I hope you never need the oxygen and cpr but it's a good thing to learn!

I was looking back through your blog to when the babies were first born and the transformation that has happened right before my eyes! It's like they are blossoming into healthy sized babies, it just is an awesome thing to be able to experience with you guys... just very thankful that we've gotten to be even a tiny part of your lives in watching them grow and blossom into grown babies... beautiful.
Thank you again!

Go Babies! You continue to be in our prayers!

Anonymous said...

You go angels... Be patient it's gonna happen soooo soon - just let the docs do their thing and let them be comfortable sending those little ones home.

Let's pray that you never ever have to use any of your new found skills but they're always good to know...

All My Love, Auntie :) xoxoxo

Sarah - The Home Cook said...

Go babies, go babies!! I really hope your NICU journey comes to an end soon. It sounds like they're both doing really well, which is fantastic!

Anonymous said...

This is so great!! Congrats mommy, daddy & grandparents for passing the tests!! Hopefully you won't have to use any of them but it's a comfort that you have the knowledge. Go babies!!! It won't be long now until you are home :) We are all looking forward to seeing them packed up in their car seats heading home!!! YAY!

Anonymous said...

Go babies, GO! I am so excited for them to come home. I was reading back in the archives from the first day that they were born and the transformation is astounding.