Brooke woke up with a fever of 100.9, which meant that she couldn’t see the babies. That was not a good way to start the day at all. So while they were testing her for infections, I went to check on everyone:
Annaleigh still hasn’t needed the help of the respirator, though she has needed some extra oxygen. She’s also not quite as active has her siblings. The doctors say that it’s probably just that she’s tired from breathing on her own for all this time, and it’s nothing extra to worry about. We also learned that all babies born so early will most likely go on and off the respirators, just because their lungs aren’t strong enough to breathe on their own with any consistency yet.
Charlie is off the respirator! And when I saw him first thing in the morning, he was laying on his stomach! The nurse said that they try to rotate the babies as much as possible to keep the head from “denting,” and he seemed to enjoy being on his little belly. When I visited this afternoon, I got to see him being flipped from his left side onto his back—the nurse was both gentle and supportive at the same time, and is just another amazing person I’ve met working here at St. Peters.
Lily is the big news of the day—she ate some food! Okay, it was actually only one cc of formula, but it was a huge, huge step. She’s the first of the babies to eat something and yet she’s the only one still on the respirator. So it seems that she’s the most advanced and the least advanced at the same time.
And since her fever turned out to be the result of an infection in her uterus (resulting from the c-section), the doctors okayed a trip to the NICU to see the babies. So, around 8:30 pm, we walked (well, I walked and she wheeled) down to the third floor and spent about an hour with everyone. It was the first time Brooke was able to do more than glance at her children and it was a beautiful sight to see. It was hard for her to see just how fragile they are, but they’re all doing very well by the doctors’ standards so that made her feel a little better.
In all, it’s been a busy day but a good day. Dr. Hiatt, the man who is in charge of the NICU, said that we needed to hope for another span of 24 hours that was as positive as the first 24 hours, and it looks like we got it. Now, we just need to string together about 90 more spans of 24 hours, and the babies will be home safe and sound at the end of September!
Yay babies! They are amazing and I can't wait to meet them.
Keep up the good work babies! you are an awesome daddy and DH, Joe! smooches to all of you.
So great! I hope things continue to be good news. Yep...eating will go slow, but that's to protect their little digestive system...not ready yet and if it gets too much too soon they can get sick. Keep it up babies!!! (and mama and Daddy!)
I found your blog from Multiples and More and just wanted to let you all know that our thoughts and prayers are with you and your precious babies. I had twins at 28 weeks (7 week NICU stay) and they are stronger than ever at 11 months today. Just take each minute at a time, know that there will be ups and downs and they will grow stronger everyday. This will be about the only time you can look forward to getting them home so you can change diapers.
Three cheers to you from the Key's.
I found your blog through the Preemies board. Congrats on your beautiful triplets!! I have a son who was born at 24w4d weighing 1 lb. 11 oz. And spent 102 days in the NICU so I know 1/3 of what you are going through. Our little boy is doing great and will be 1 July 16th. Just take it minute by minute, day by day and know that while they will take a step back at times, they will take two steps forward and grow stronger. Good luck, stay strong and be positive.
Sounds like a pretty good day. I think of you guys often and love to see the updates and pictures.
I'm glad Brooke is getting some rest. I hope she recovers from the c-section and infection quickly.
Go babies - get strong - you're doing great. Mommy and Daddy have given you such strong genes. Run with it... I can't wait to see you.
Stay strong Joe and Brooke - they're in great hands.
xoxoxoxoxo Auntie :)
Such great news!!! I am praying for them everyday. They are as strong as their parents i think :)
What wonderful news! What amazing and strong little ones!! Take care.
Yay! I'm so glad they're doing well. Grow big and strong, babies!
I'm so happy to hear you stacked up another good day! Your babies are in my prayers every night.
aka gymrat (the Bump)
glad to hear your babies are doing so well! Sorry to hear that Brooke got sick (again). I'm glad she was able to see your children though. I hope she has a good rest of her recovery and I hope that the kids continue to do well!
I'm so glad to hear that everyone is doing so well! Enjoy every precious moment with them!
Just wanted to say how happy I am that all of you are doing so well. You are all in my prayers and heres to many more excellent 24 hour spans!
Just wanted to say how happy I am that all of you are doing so well. You are all in my prayers and heres to many more excellent 24 hour spans!
I'm in awe of all 5 of you. And I don't care what John says, there's just no way I can pick a favorite baby! They're all too beautiful! ;)
Hey guys. I am so happy and excited and nervous for all of you. I stopped to see "crackers" last night and altho we tried to talk about a range of things... the topic always came back to you and the babies!! Can't get them off our minds! I am so glad your mom gave me the blog link. I wish I had had it long ago. Thinking of you all... that big family of yours. Of course let me know if I can do anything at all! Love and miss you guys. Doris
Great job on doing daily updates. When my triplets were born it took almost a month to right an entry on the birth and the first month in the NICU. I remember the words and terms used in the NICU being so foreign at the beginning, but soon you'll be rattling them off as if you've just learned a second language.
Truly amazing! Thank you SO much for taking the time to update this blog- I think of your babies often during the day and pray for their health so it is wonderful to read these updates.
You, your wife and your tiny trio are in my prayers. I look forward to many more positive updates!
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