Annaleigh is breathing on her own. She’s on CPAP, which basically means she’s getting extra oxygen (just like her brother and sister). She does, however, have apnea, but the doctor (a great guy named Mark Hiatt) says that 95% of all premature babies have apnea… so not a huge worry there. But it’s somewhat impossible to not worry when I’ve actually seen my day-old daughter stop breathing three different times. But each time, all it takes is a very simple nudge on the foot or knee from a nurse and she starts breathing again.
Both Lily and Charlie have been on respirators all day. The Nurse Practitioner in charge of the NICU says that Charlie may be able to come off later tonight, and Lily can come off tomorrow—this is, of course, assuming that they both stay strong and on the same path as they are now.
All three babies have been given caffeine, which stimulates the breathing reflex. All three are under extra special lighting to help fight off jaundice, and they’re all getting “misted” to provide extra moisture for their very sensitive skin. They’re each being kept on soft bedding and surrounded by what looks like plastic wrap. The purpose of the wrap is to keep their heat in to help regulate their temperatures. To that end, they’re also being baked under some pretty serious lighting. A monitor attached to their skin tells the lights how hot it needs to get.
The doctor made it clear that our babies look good for their gestation, but we are by no means out of the woods. He said that it’s a complete myth that the first 24/48/72 hours are the hardest. He said that there is no “safe point” but if there were it isn’t for at least three weeks to a month from now. And he also made it clear that things could change for the worse at any minute. All the organs of the body are too small, but the babies are 15 weeks early so it’s to be expected. We just need to hope that the following days are all as positive as today, and they’ll pull through.
Brooke is doing well post c-section. She stayed in bed all and she’s been on fluids. Around 7:00 or so, she decided she was ready to try sitting up, but that experiment didn’t go so well. She got very light-headed and started to pass out. With the help of two nurses, we got her back into bed, where she’s currently soundly sleeping. She wanted to sit up because sitting up means she’d be strong enough to get into a wheelchair and go see the babies, but that hasn’t been in the cards just yet. Thankfully, the NICU welcomes the parents any time of day, so if she wakes up and feels stronger, maybe we can get her into a wheelchair to go for a visit. Right now, she’s projecting to go home sometime on Wednesday.
On the subject of going home, we expect it to be a long, long time before the babies can come home. The doctors say they have to be around five pounds and breathing and eating on their own before they’ll be discharged, and that will most likely be around the time of their actual due date, which is early October. That seems like a decade from now, but if it means that they’re healthy, we will gladly wait.
It’s going to be a long road (hopefully), and we’ve got a lot of battles ahead of us, but these babies are getting the best possible care at the best possible place, so we’re confident that we’ll have a big party in the fall for everyone to come and meet them when they get home!
PS: Sorry for only posting a few pictures but the internet connection is extremely slow here; it literally takes 20 minutes to upload each photo. I’ve got a few more on my facebook page for anyone that wants to see but isn’t already my friend (I’m “Joe A Dig”).
Thank you for the update, your family will continue to be in my prayers. Oh and congrats, they are beautiful!
I'm happy day 1 was a positive day, keep the updates coming. Give my best to Brook and I'm looking forward to that party when they get home!!! =) Daniela
Thank you for the update, Joe. We're here if you need anything! No three babies have ever been surrounded by so much love and prayers.
I'm glad to hear the babies are doing well and hope that mom is feeling good enough to visit soon!!
i had my twins at 26w1d; they are 19 months old now and healthy and happy. their nicu stay was long and hard...but they were both home before their due date. i know brooke from the private multiples board and wanted to let you know i'm sending huge prayers. your babies are fighters and they'll beat the odds everyday! match your strength to theirs and you'll get through this.
hugs, april (april062604)
Congrats on your little miracles! My son was born at 33w so I am familiar with many of your NICU hurdles. I will keep your family in my prayers.
Your doctor is exactly right- it's not the first few days that determine how well they'll do. With micro-preemies, it's just so hard to know what obstacles they'll face over the next few weeks. I'm a mom to 26-week triplets, and we certainly had our ups and downs in the nicu. BUT, no matter how tough it gets, just keep looking toward the future. My trio is 2 and doing great!
I'm so glad you updated tonight. Those little babies have been on my mind all day. Praying for them and your family,
Kristi McDowe
I've been a bit of a blog lurker and have followed your cooking blog for awhile. I felt if there was any time to de-lurk, it was now!
First off, congratulations on your beautiful babies. I don't know what you're going through firsthand as a parent, but I do know how tough the situation is. My fiancee is currently a Pediatric Resident and has worked endless hours in the NICU. He has told me countless stories of miracles that have been worked on those NICU floors. I know the doctors are going to do whatever they can to ensure those three beautiful little ones go home with you soon. Stay strong and faithful.
Times are hard but there are so many people praying for you and your children. God is good! God bless!
Hi and thank you for the update - my little baby son was born at 32 weeks, welcome to the world of preemies! I am thinking of you guys, lots of love from the SAIF board.
Kelly (FaithRocks)
I've been following the blog for a while now and was so surprised to see the updates I've missed. The babies are beautiful!! Congratulations to you and Brooke. I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers.
Thanks for updating. I'm thinking about you and your family all the time. Sending all of my prayers that your babies continue to do well and be strong!! I have a cousin that was born at 26 weeks weighing 1 pound, and he is a happy 7 year old right now! I will continue to pray, pray, pray for your precious babies!
Congratulations on the birth of your beautiful triplets! Your journey is just beginning (and I can tell you from experience) it is not an easy one, but a rewarding one! Best of Luck and many prayers will be sent your way!
I stumbled across your blog this evening and thought I was reading my own (very similar) journey. My triplets were born at 27 weeks after a more than challenging pregnancy. At 10 weeks, I too had emergency surgery for an ovarian torsion. Surgery was the last option to diagnose the pain, but I was fortunate to have my ovary saved. At 15 weeks, my cervical length changed and by 17 weeks, I had a cerclage. I began strict bedrest at that time and was admitted for hospital bedrest at 24 weeks. My babies were born by emergency c-section due to placental abruption. My babies all weighed slightly over 2# and were doing well.
The NICU will be an experience like no other and the ups and downs do happen quickly. We lost our one daughter at 5 days old within 12 hours of learning of a staph infection. My survivors remained in the NICU for 76 days and are now 10 months old and thriving.
I wish you all the best and hope that your journey does not continue a similar path as mine. If I can be of any guidance, strength, or advice, please feel free to contact me. It appears you have a strong support group...that is wonderful, you will need them.
Many prayers and wishes of happy, healthy babies to you!!!
Thanks for the update! We are also NICU parents to twin boys. It's definitely an up and down experience, so don't let the downs get you down! If you have any NICU questions, please don't hesitate to ask (I know you probably don't even know what to ask right now...but if you ever do, don't hesitate.Keeping you all in our thoughts and prayers.
Thanks for the update:) The Nicu experience will be hard, but stay strong and positive for those babies. Don't let yourself dwell on the negative possibilities but look for the little victories everyday.
May God bless and keep you during this time. May His presence be felt, knowing HE is holding each precious baby in His hand. I pray that each baby will continue to improve as each day passes. May you as parents be strong and unweavering. The babes are beautiful...God created them perfect!
thank you for updating us! the babies are beautiful & i pray they continue to get stronger every day!
p.s. my little brother was born @ 27 weeks & 14 years later he's a big, healthy teenager!!! the NICU was hard but he pulled through & i know your babies will too!
God bless!
So glad to hear everyone is doing well. I'm anxious to see you and Brooke since I didn't make it up to St. Peter's before she had the babies. We're still praying hard for you, Brooke, and the babies.
Thank you so much for the update - that is awesome of you to take the time to share the news with us when I am sure all you want to do is go down to the NICU. I hope Brooke is feeling better soon!
I just wanted to say that Dr Hiatt is amazing and so is everyone else at the NICU at St Peters. You are in good hands! I'll be sending lots of prayers for your family!!
Just wanted to say that your girls and boy are in my thoughts. I am pulling for them and for you.
I know you will hear so many stories of preemie successes, and my guys are just 2 more..not nearly as early as your little ones, but at 30 weeks they did AMAZING and very quickly got caught up developmentally. They were on CPAP, jaundice lights, had apnea issues, and I know how scary it all is..I also understand a tiny bit of what Brooke is going through..I was sick and on O2 myself, and not allowed to leave my bed for 2 days to see my babies. That was the toughest part...
please make sure she knows all of the saif and multiples girls are thinking of her and send her lots of love.
thinking of and praying for all 5 of you..
Joe--congratulations to you and Brooke! Your babies are beautiful and I am sending best wishes for good health and development...
I'm glad that the babies are doing well so far. I hope that Lily and Charlie are able to come off (and stay off) the ventilators soon. I didn't realize that the whole 24/48/72 hr thing was a myth but I guess it makes sense. I figured they'd be in the hospital awhile, I wish them a good recovery and that they grow big and strong. I hope that Brooke regains her strength soon. My older sister had abdominal surgery so I know from her experience how painful it is...I can ask her for tips if you want. I hope Broooke has a good recovery too. Hang in there!
Those are some amazing kiddos. Sending tons of prayers
Congratulationss on the beautiful babies and my thoughts and prayers are with your family that they continue to grow and thrive and all will be home, happy and healthy as soon as is safe!
Sending your family warm thoughts and lots of prayers.
You have a BIG fan club on the Success After Infertility board - we are all cheering for you guys! And wow! You have three amazing babies there - what little fighters they are. Sounds like you are in a great hospital, with excellent care. Hang in there and CONGRATULATIONS on the births of your three amazing babies.
I am so glad to hear that things are going well. Your beautiful babies will be in my thoughts on your journey through the NICU.
Congrats on the delivery of your precious babies.
As a former preemie mom, I know the road ahead of you in the NICU will be hard, but these little one's are the greatest fighters ever!
Hang in there.
Thank you for updating, please keep the updates coming. I will be thinking and praying for your family.
Congrats on your three precious little ones. I am sending lots of thoughts and prayers out to your family.
Another SAIFer (ABC-123)
I just wanted to say that you and your entire family is in my thoughts and prayers. I had my twin boys at 27w6d, and know exactly how hard NICU is. Both boys were home before their due date, but just by a week or so. (edasmommy0709 from the private multiples board)
Our 30 weekers were only in the NICU for a little under 2 months, and it still seemed like a lifetime. Now, two months later, it seems like a lifetime away (that they were in the hospital). I'll continue to think good, positive thoughts for your 3 little figthers!
I am not even sure how I came across your blog, but when I did I felt I needed to say CONGRATS to you guys the babies are precious. I know exactly how you guys are feeling and what you are going through. My daughter was born at 24wks even and weighed 1lb 4oz and only 11 1/4 inches. We spent 93 days in the NICU and it was a long roller coaster ride but know that god works miracles. My daughter is now 28 months old and a health happy smart little girl full of energy! =)
Your precious babies as well as the two of you will be in my prayers . Congrats again!
(mom to a 24wkr)
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