Saturday, November 13, 2010

Our day in pictures

Hi, blog readers! Mommy and Daddy take a LOT of pictures of us, so we thought we'd use them to show you what we do around here all day long!

Before daylight savings time Mommy was able to keep us in our cribs until 7:30 or so, but recently we've been rising closer to 6:30. We hear Mommy cursing daylight savings time, but we don't mind getting an early start! Plus, sometimes that means we get to see Daddy before he leaves for work. We love watching Sesame Street while drinking our milk, then we head into the kitchen to help Mommy with all her morning chores.
We're particularly fond of unloading the dishwasher because we really like playing with the spoons. After we finish all our work, it's time for breakfast! We share a banana while Mommy makes the rest of our food. Breakfast is our favorite meal of the day and it's when we eat the most. Waffles, pancakes, yogurt, eggs, French toast - we love it all!
After breakfast we play together in the living room. 99% of the time we get along great, but sometimes we fight. Charlie loves to take toys and sippy cups off of Lily - if she has it he wants it. Lily's response to this is to beat Charlie over the head with whatever it is he's trying take. This does not make Charlie happy.
Mommy and Daddy say we need to work on teaching Lily to be a little more gentle. Here's Lily, wondering why Roy ran away when she tried to whack him with her toy phone.
Mommy usually tries to eat breakfast now, and we like it when she shares with us. Her oatmeal is especially yummy. After she's finished we get dressed and then play a little more before snack. Mommy lets us eat morning snack in the living room, and we sometimes watch Baby Einstein while we eat. We love Baby Einstein. Once we're done, if the weather is decent enough, we go for a walk in our buggies. That always makes us happy.
After our walk it's time for lunch! We insist that lunch be either grilled cheese or peanut butter and jelly. We currently feel that sandwiches are the only acceptable main course lunch foods. We will eat chicken nuggets or veggie burgers for dinner, but we are highly annoyed if these foods are served to us for lunch. Pancakes, however, are acceptable for any meal.
After lunch, we get ready for nap. We recently switched from two naps a day to one, so we are now usually in our cribs from 12:15 to 2:30, sometimes later on a good day. We're busy in the mornings, so by the time Mommy says, "Ready to go night-night?" we're ready!
Once we're up from nap we have our afternoon snack, then we play and wait for Daddy to come home. We like to play in the back room with our kitchen while we wait, or play our new favorite game "Laugh and Chase," where one of us takes off down the hall and the other one follows, laughing hysterically. It's fun! Sometimes we ride our push cars around too. We're always really happy to see Daddy when he gets home, and he plays with us while Mommy makes dinner. After we eat we play some more, but this is the time of day when we usually get really, really fussy. We spend a lot of time hanging at the gate whining at Mommy while she cleans up the kitchen. Sometimes Daddy whines too.Then it's time to get ready for bed. We have our baths every other night, and on the other nights Mommy just tries to wipe us down while we squirm and laugh and flip around. Daddy is in charge of making our bedtime bottles and getting our room ready. He's also in charge of putting us in our sleep sacks, although it's a shame to cover up our cool pajamas.
Once we're all ready, we snuggle with Mommy and Daddy while we drink our bottles. By the time we finish, we're half asleep and more than happy to hit our cribs for the night. And there you have it! :)
PS: Please remember to vote for Three Cheers for Babies as Best Multiples Blog in the Bump Blog Awards! There's just one more day to vote!
This week Charlie and Lily learned about numbers. Learning about numbers is kind of hard to photograph though, so I don't have any pictures! But we read One, Two, Three by Sandra Boynton and sang "Five Little Speckled Frogs." We watched Baby Einstein Numbers Nursery and counted blocks. We also played with the Learn-Along Lily doll from Leap Frog, a cute little toy that sings a counting song. The babies both love that toy, along with Learn-Along Leap who signs the alphabet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm coming over your house for breakfast...
I'm glad to see how busy you guys are...

All My Love, Auntie :) xoxooxxo