Both babies are doing well. Charlie is loving his jumperoo - he bounces like crazy in it and grabs for all the toys. Lily is her usual busy and curious self. She still rolls from back to front every chance she gets, but this evening she actually rolled back - from her belly to her back! She's never done this before and while Mommy was in the other room Daddy got to see it. We're hoping for a repeat performance tomorrow!
Our main challenge right now is napping. The babies take three naps a day on a good day. Lily is a girl who needs her sleep. She becomes a miserable mess when she's tired. However, now whenever it's time for a nap she gets MAD. I swaddle her and bring her to the nursery and she just screams and cries and arches her back and wails. The whole time I'm just rocking her and going "Shhhhh" but she'll have none of it. She carries on like this for 3-5 minutes, then falls asleep. It's easy for me to be patient because I know that she is going to go to sleep, I just wish it didn't have to be so rough! She does not do this at bedtime or in the middle of the night - just at nap time and just for me. She does not cry for Joe, Crackers or Grandma. When they are rocking her to sleep she spends her time laughing at them, cooing, smiling and trying to get them to play with her. My theory is that she hopes that she can manipulate them into playing, but she knows I won't fall for it so she's mad. I'm hoping it's something she grows out of soon!
Charlie has been doing a great job going down for naps most of the time. At nap time I lay Charlie in his crib and turn on his mobile while I rock Lily (there is no putting Lily in the crib as she will scream like a nut). For the past several days he has been falling asleep all on his own, which is great! However, he doesn't sleep quite as long as Lily. His naps are shorter, he wakes up more at night and he gets up earlier. Joe has two weeks of spring break coming up soon and the babies will be close to 6 months adjusted so we're going to try to work on some sleep training while he's home. Hopefully we'll be able to get the babies to go to sleep on their own and start sleeping through the night. Fingers crossed!
Daddy and Lily hanging on the couch watching some TV. (Notice that Lily is clutching her new favorite toy, the maraca.) While Daddy and Lily were chilling Mommy and Charlie were in the kitchen making some apple crisp and dancing to Lady Gaga.
Oh my, that pic of Lily out of her bouncer is priceless. Love the conversation Lily is trying to have with Charlie...boys just don't get it!!
You are smiling so big in that picture! What a happy mom enjoying her babies!
I love seeing their pictures. I so look forward to seeing them! I understand the bouncer picture, Joshua is the same way! Good luck with the sleep training. Hope it goes well for you. I'll let Joshua know he's gotta talk to Lily and Charlie for you. Sometimes peer pressure helps!!!
Corey in TX (cjb62803-preemie board)
They just get cuter and cuter every time you post!
Go Lily - C'mon Charlie - you can roll over... Love the pictures...
Nice pants Joe...
All My Love, Auntie :) xoxoxoox
Oh yeah and Charlie is around the age now MaKayla was when she started dropping that third nap. Maybe Charlie just doesnt need as much sleep as Lily. I'm a first time Mommy too, but I found working with what my baby girl thought she needed in the aspects of sleep and eating, did more for her fussiness and my patients, than trying to fight it lol. Good luck with sleep training. It took me until MaKayla was 8 months old and I was tired of having to pin her down to get her to sleep, before I could stand to listen to her cry when all she wanted was me. But I figured it out, it wasnt just me she wanted, she wanted to get up too lol.
Love the picture of Lily getting out of her bouncy seat. I still can't believe how big the babies are getting. Good luck on the naps. We are working hard with Annabelle too.
Brooke, I have been following you since you were on bedrest and on the message boards over at the Bump. I was on bedrest for 18 weeks and ended up on hospital bedrest just like you. Unfortunately, the hosital I was at (St Justine, Montreal) did not have wi-fi so no internet for me.
Sorry I have never commented before. I usually read your blog while I am feeding the twins.
While reading todays entry I realized that I should probably let you know that I pop in once in a while to check up on those two little miracle of yours. I am sure Annaleigh is so proud on how well her siblings are doing. Charlie reminds me of my Dylan.
Below are some photo albums from FB so you can see my little miracles. They arrived at 29 weeks and stayed 6 weeks in NICU. I know your stay was much longer but I can relate to that feeling of having to leave them behind. I had twins boys, Evan and Dylan. There are 6 moths but adjusted they are 3 1/2. They are meeting their milestone which is an accomplishment. They had their first motor skills exmas and the doctor said they are right on target with their adjusted age.
It makes my heart happy each time I see one of the accomplishments that Lili or Charlie make. They look like such happy babies and you can tell they are LOVED.
I also have the snap and Go stroller which I believe the kids have out grown. We have the jogger but only use it for walks. I still use the infant seats int he car so I need the snap and go when we got out. I feel they are too small to switch over to the car seats.
As you can see I have rambeled way to much. I just wanted you guys to know that reading your blog has inspired so many people.
Best regards from an american living in Montreal ;0)
(Arrived at 29 weeks hospital photos)
(Current pictures)
Long time reader, first time commenter- I really enjoy your blog and laughed out loud when I read your caption on the last pic. Your sense of humor is great!
Thanks for sharing,
Susie - thank you for sharing! Your boys are adorable! And they've come such a long way!
So sorry but Lily has got it figured it out. She will only get worse - my two year old will nap like an angel for everyone else, but for me he is such a stinker. lol! Still even though it can be frustrating it is also funny. Enjoy every minute they will grow up so fast!
Just popped in for another baby check - You are sooooo cute pumpkins...
All My Love, Auntie :) xoxoxo
I've been following your blog for awhile now too and I couldn't resist commenting on your "Mr. Angelic" picture of Charlie - what a cutie pie he has gotten to be! Of course, I don't need to tell you that, and it goes unsaid that Ms. Lily is the gorgeous lil' supermodel she always is. What beautiful babies - I'm so happy to hear they are doing so well.
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