Saturday, April 2, 2011

Spring Week

I really need to consult the weather forecast before I plan my season-themed weeks. I never get it right! Autumn week was like 90 degrees, Winter week brought rain and this week's Spring week came with temperatures in the low 30s. But we soldier on! To celebrate Spring, we read The Very Hungry Caterpillar and Five Little Ladybugs, and sang "Mr. Golden Sun." For art Charlie and Lily made hand print butterflies and decorated them with their fingerprints. When they were all said and done they didn't really look much like butterflies - Joe thinks they resemble crabs. But we tried! We're going to bring them to Annaleigh at the cemetery, and we know she'll appreciate the effort by her brother and sister. For a special snack we made dirt pudding. Charlie and Lily helped me mix up a batch of chocolate pudding, then we topped it with crushed Oreos. Mmmm!
Chocolaty! (And look at Lily's hair! Finally long enough for a barrette! Yay!)
Now THIS is the life. Someone to feed you your pudding while you sit and watch Bubble Guppies.
The other morning, when it was raining/snowing on our Spring week, I decided to combat cabin fever with a little cushion climbing. I pulled all the cushions and pillows from the couches and let Charlie and Lily climb all over them. They really enjoyed this activity at first, but then they started falling off and bumping their heads, so the cushions went back where they belong!
Once a week or so Joe leaves for work a few minutes early and runs to Dunkin Donuts to bring back coffee for me and munchkins for Charlie and Lily. Needless to say, munchkin mornings are a BIG hit around here!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the chocolatey faces... :)